This project—an eco-demonstration house—was produced for the SOUPERgreen exhibition at the Architecture + Design Museum in Los Angeles. The exhibition was focused on critiquing the problematically narrow approach of contemporary “green” architecture, and this project specifically targeted sustainability’s uncritical continuation of an inherently non-ecological conceptual division between the planetary environment (which is viewed as a resource for human exploitation) and humanity (which is viewed as the responsible steward of this resource). While so-called “green” technology is meant to be deployed as an agent of humanity’s increasingly responsible consumption of this planetary resource, it fails to address the underlying problem inherent in viewing humanity as distinct from and in control of the environment—a problem that, unless brought forth into public consciousness, will continue to jeopardize humanity’s otherwise well-intentioned efforts to undue its legacy of environmental negligence.
Since technology is the instrument of human control over the environment, and thus the frame through which the world is understood, it is used critically here in an inverse way to fundamentally transform one’s perceived relationship to the world.